41 – Selenium Project Part -2
Selenium Class 41 – Selenium Project Part-2
Selenium Project
1) Project Information
2) Project Description
3) Stake Holders of the Project
4) Interfaces of the Project/AUT
5) Features to be tested in Admin Interface
6) Features to be tested in User Interface
7) Test Requirements, Test scenarios, and Test cases…
8) Derive Sanity Test Scenarios for Admin Interface
9) Derive Sanity Test Scenarios for User Interface
i) Launch the user Interface of the Application
ii) Verify Required Elements availability of user Interface Homepage…
iii) Verify Customer Registration with valid data
iv) Verify Customer Login with valid data
v) Add product to Shopping cart
vi) Verify Checkout process
vii) Verify Customer Track order status etc…
10) Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Scenarios for Admin Interface
i) Launch Application (includes Launch browser…)
ii) Verify all elements availability in the Home page of Admin Interface
iii) Verify Redirect Functionality before Login to the Application (Admin Interface to User Interface)
iv) Verify Admin Login with valid Username and Valid password
v) Verify Admin Login with valid Username and invalid password
vi) Verify Admin Login with invalid Username and valid password
vii) Verify Admin Login with invalid Username and invalid password
viii) Verify Admin Login with blank Username and blank password
ix) Verify Admin Login Locking for 3 failed attempts (Lock for 5 minutes)
x) Verify Admin Login after 5 minutes with valid data
xi) Verify all elements availability in the Index page
xii) Verify Redirect Functionality after Login to the Application (Admin Interface to User Interface)
xiii) Add Manufacturer
xiv) Edit Manufacturer
xv) Delete Manufacturer
xvi) Add Category
xvii) Edit Category
xviii) Delete Category
xix) Add Product
xx) Edit Product
xxi) Delete Product
xxii) Add Currency
xxiii) Edit Currency
xxvi) Delete Currency
xxv) Set Default Currency
xxvi) Verify Customer Report/s
xxvii) Verify product/s Report
xxviii) Verify Logoff of the Application etc…
11) Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Scenarios for User interface
i) Verify Launch User Interface with valid URL
ii) Verify all elements availability of user interface Home page
iii) Verify product “Search”
iv) Verify “Advanced Search”
v) Verify Customer Registration with valid data(Positive Test Scenario)
vi) Verify Customer Registration with invalid data (Negative Test Scenario)
(* a) Use invalid Email and date formats
b) Use Alphabets for Numeric fields like Phone Number, Post Code etc…
c) Use duplicate email id etc…
vii) Verify Customer Login with valid Email Address and valid Password
viii) Verify Customer Login with invalid Email Address and valid Password
ix) Verify Customer Login with valid Email Address and invalid Password
x) Verify Customer Login with invalid Email Address and invalid Password
xi) Verify Customer Login with blank Email Address and blank Password
xii) Verify “Shopping Cart” before selecting any product
xiii) Verify “Shopping Cart” after selecting any product
xiv) Verify “Update” in shopping cart while adding a product
xv) Verify “Update” in shopping cart after adding a product
xvi) Verify “Remove” the product from shopping cart
xvii) Checkout before selecting any product and before login
xviii) Checkout after selecting any product and before login
xix) Verify Checkout after select any product and after Login
xx) Verify “Change Address” with another Address
xxi) Verify availability of all Payment methods
xxii) Verify Select p[payment Method
xxiii) Verify Checkout process
xxiv) Verify “Logoff” etc…
Selenium Integration with Maven….
Advantages of Maven Integration:
a) Selenium Test Environment Setup
(You can add all required dependencies like Selenium WebDriver, TestNG etc…to Maven Project (POM xml) then it will download and add those jar file to your project)
b) Maintanence of Selenium Test Environment
(If any new version of project dependencies comes then you just add those dependencies to POM XML then it will download add those jar files…)
c) All of your project team members can get same configuration (by using the POM XML)
(Maintain Common Configuration for all Team Members)
Create Maven Project,
Launch Eclipse IDE
- File Menu
- New
- Project
- Type Maven and Select Maven Project,
- Enter
- Next
- Next
- Enter Group Id
- Enter Artifact Id
- Finish
Then It will create New Maven project
………………………………………………………… - Add Dependencies from Internet for your Automated Testing in POM (Project Object Model)
- XML file between “Dependencies” tags (Open and Close tag) and Save Then it will download those dependencies jar files and add to Maven Project
Note: You can edit Dependencies, and share the XML file to your team members, By using this POM XML file, all team members can get same project configuration
Selenium WebDriver-java, TestNG etc…
Create Selenium Test Cases under src/test/java> Java Package>…