43 – Selenium Project Part-4

Selenium Class 43 – Selenium Project Part-4

I. Smoke Test Scenarios for gcrShop Application Admin Interface

URL: http://www.gcrit.com/build3/admin/

  1. Verify “Launch the Application (gcrShop) Admin Interface”
  2. Verify “Required Elements” availability in the Admin interface Home Page Home Page
  3. Verify “Redirection” Functionality (from Admin Interface to User Interface)
  4. Verify “Admin Login” to the Admin Interface

Assignment 1:

  1. Verify “Required Elements” availability in the Admin interface Index Page
  2. Verify “Add Manufacturer”
  3. Verify “Add category”
  4. Verify “Add Product”
  5. Verify “Add Currency”

Assignment 2:

II. Smoke Test Cases for User Interface of gcrShop Application..

URL: http://www.gcrit.com/build3/

  1. Launch the user Interface of the Application
  2. Verify Required Elements availability of user Interface Homepage…
  3. Verify Customer Registration with valid data
  4. Verify Customer Login with valid data
  5. Add product to Shopping cart
  6. Verify Checkout process
Selenium Training
Selenium Project Tutorial

Assignment 3:

III. Create Comprehensive Test Cases for Admin Modules using Selenium WebDriver, Java ,TestNG, Maven…

Test Batches:

1 – Login – Test Cases in Login Login Batch:

i. Launch Application (includes Launch browser…)
ii. Verify all elements availability in the Home page of Admin Interface
iii. Verify Redirect Functionality before Login to the Application (Admin Interface to User Interface)
iv. Verify Admin Login with valid Username and Valid password
v. Verify Admin Login with valid Username and invalid password
vi. Verify Admin Login with invalid Username and valid password
vii). Verify Admin Login with invalid Username and invalid password
viii. Verify Admin Login with blank Username and blank password
ix. Verify Admin Login Locking for 3 failed attempts (Lock for 5 minutes)
x. Verify Admin Login after 5 minutes with valid data
xi) Verify Logoff of the Application etc…

2 – Manufacturers – Test Cases in Manufacturers Test Batch:

i. Verify all elements availability in the Index page
ii. Verify Redirect Functionality after Login to the Application (Admin Interface to User Interface)
iii. Add Manufacturer
iv. Edit Manufacturer
v. Delete Manufacturer

3 – Categories – Test Cases in Categories Test Batch:

i) Add Product
ii) Edit Product
iii) Delete Product

4 – Products – Test Cases in Products Test Batch:

i. Add Category
ii. Edit Category
iii. Delete Category

5 – Currency – Test Cases in Currency Test Batch:

i. Add Currency
ii. Edit Currency
iii. Delete Currency
iv. Set Default Currency

6 – Reports – Test Cases in Reports Test Batch:

i. Verify Customer Report/s
ii. Verify Product/s Report